Las Mochilas

The typical Colombian Mochilas are the product of a combination of working people, ancient traditions and great talents.
Colors, forms and designs come to life and tell a story. Different shapes are used by each knitter woman as a way to communicate where she comes from, the background of her own ethnicity, the family she belongs to and her own traditions.

The Sajú glasses straps

The Sajú Glasses’s Straps are products issued from a Colombian Start Up that uses colombian raw materials, colombian manpower and traditional designs. Sajú believes in Colombia and second opportunities, which is why they work together with the ARN (Agencia para la Reincorporación y Normalización – Agency for the reincorporation and normalization) and with people reintegrated from the armed conflict.
The MonkeyGrip®, used for the Sajú Straps, is the best grip on the market, it fits any frame and will never let your glasses fall.
Style and Comfort characterize this product!

“Unique Bags”

YES! Every bag has a different signature. With each Mochila, the knitter woman is free to do the representation she feels like doing. You will notice that at the bottom of the Mochila the designs are never the same. Through these designs, stories are told and feelings are imprinted.