The story behind our products is the reason Waïa exists!

La Guajira, a region of controversies where you can find the most beautiful landscapes with a mix of desert and sea, cactus and blue skies but where poverty and precarious living conditions are an undeniably present. The region is known by being reign by corruption and unfortunately forgotten by the rest of the country.


Work conditions can be really tough, specially for the majority of people working under the sun at temperatures over 40°, without required equipment and no ergonomic material, for a very low reward.
As tourists, we must recognize that we are entering their lands and that our tour agencies don’t give the Wayúus anything else than what is required to go through the “toll” (paid with food and coffee other than money). We shouldn’t be invading their space if there is no good reason behind and if we do, do it responsibly.
That said, nowadays many Wayúus live from what tourists give them and many kids get their schools supplies from tourists distributing notebooks, crayons etc.


Selling Mochilas is what brings food to many Rancherias (bunkhouses), but there is a whole organization behind.

Usually the knitter women sell their mochilas to her “Matrona”, the big chief, and will collect in exchange an amount of money that varies on the ranchería they live in, but usually pretty low. The matrona sells the bags to other intermediaries who then sell them on the market to much higher prices.

It takes around 2 weeks to make one mochila and many knitter women are not paid a fair price (not even close) for each of their artwork. 

Waïa intervenes through an association who works directly with the tejedoras, provides the required material and pays the transport costs from/to la Guajira. This way Waïa ensures that each women receives 100% of a fair price for each Mochila done.

Not only we give a fair remuneration to the women and their community but we recognize their art and spread the word so you can also participate!

See the Mochilas under “Products” and meet the work of these beautiful women 🙂

The knitter women

Our Tejedoras